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Monday, April 17, 2006

Another tag, another day. This time I was tagged by
Chrixean Here we go.....

Name ten of life's simple pleasures that you like most, then pick ten people to do the same. Try to be original and creative and not to use things that someone else has already used.

In no particular order:

1. Viewing everyday surroundings as I go to work
2. Eight hours of sleep
3. Having lots of scented candles burning
4. Beachfront vacations
5. Crossstitching
6. 60s & 70s music
7. Birds chirping in my garden while I take my breakfast
8. Watching my happy & intelligent grandson
9. Watering my garden
10. Living & Dining Rooms filled with fresh flowers and indoor plants

I am tagging the following:
Andrea * Mumbo Jumbo * Daydreamer of Oz * No_Average_Girl
Jean Luc Picard * Beckie * Lazy Daisy * Chelle * Meow * Trinity13
10:50 PM | Permalink |


  • At 4/18/2006 12:34 AM, Blogger cristina

    you are very lucky for number 7! us living in city apartment don't have that luxury ;) Salamat for visiting.

  • At 4/18/2006 12:45 AM, Blogger Chris Smith

    Can I come visit??!! Sounds like a wonderful place to be ;) Of course, you'd have to let me play just a little 80's music...just one song for every 5 or so that you play. Oh what am I thinking...I need to find my own wonderful simple pleasures, and invite friends to come visit!

  • At 4/18/2006 1:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    What a lovely list.

  • At 4/18/2006 1:46 AM, Blogger Jean-Luc Picard

    Why me? If you look ay my Journal, they are there!

  • At 4/18/2006 1:56 AM, Blogger ... Paige

    Music, I like it all, yes all kinds. Don't get to listen all the time but I like music!

  • At 4/18/2006 5:31 AM, Blogger no_average_girl

    hey girl! thanks for the tag :-) this tag is so appropriate for this time - small pleasures seem so much richer, more rewarding! i've enjoyed just being with my grandmothers, not having to do anything, just sitting with and talking to them. before, i'd be thinking of how much i had to do and figuring out what i needed to be doing. i guess it's helped me to slow down and be a "mary" in a "martha" time. maybe that's a good subject for posting...

    again, thanks! can't wait to get around to the tag...soon, i hope and pray!

  • At 4/18/2006 8:08 AM, Blogger Pirate Princess

    It's good to stop and count life's little pleasures - it's those little things that add up to make a beautiful life.

    Thank you for stopping by to wish me Happy Easter. I hope yours was a delightful one. :)

  • At 4/18/2006 8:24 AM, Blogger Meow (aka Connie)

    Hi, and thanks for the tag. Will get onto it tomorrow !!
    Hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend.
    Take care, Meow

  • At 4/18/2006 10:31 AM, Blogger OldLady Of The Hills

    I use to LOVE to cross stitch...One year I made about 60 pieces to give people for Christmas & Chanukah presets...It's great fun, isn't it? I was like doing a painting with thread for me...

    I've got 100 thinbgs about me up today in Honor of my 100th post! If you get a chance, do stop by.

  • At 4/18/2006 12:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    I am so going to try to do this...Hopefully soon!

  • At 4/18/2006 7:16 PM, Blogger The Mistress of the Dark

    I'll get mine up after I get home from work today :)


  • At 4/19/2006 1:43 PM, Blogger Daydreamer of Oz

    Hey Viamarie! Sorry, somehow I missed this....Will go do it right now :)

  • At 4/19/2006 2:34 PM, Blogger Chrixean

    great job on the list! :D

  • At 4/21/2006 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Excellent choices, especially the 60s & 70s music and the singing birds. I have a hummingbird that visits my bird of paradise daily and it's wonderful to see him flutter about, more like whiz past! LOL