Thankful Thursday: What VIAMARIE is thankful for this week
...spending the long weekend with the in-laws of my daughter. We went to a resort outside of our city. That was the first time I swam in 7 years and I really had a grand time.
...celebrating hubby's birthday with family members. We had it here at home and we had the following for lunch: barbecue spareribs with a very special sauce, baked fish fillet and hot salad. For desert, my hubby baked his specialty, blueberry cheesecake which is everyone's favorite.
...attending the last day of the Purpose Driven Life Seminar. It was celebration night last Tuesday and I had the opportunity to witness many heartwarming and touching testimonies which inspired me to put what I learned and experienced for the past 8 weeks into action.
Credit goes to my daughter and son-in-law for the invitation.
Links to other Thankful Thursdays
(If you participate, leave your link in the comments and I'll post it below; or, you can post in the comments)
Unicorn Child * Friday's Child * eph2810 * Tyra * No_average_girl
Annette Burkett * Beckie