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Thursday, July 06, 2006

VIAMARIE this Thursday would like to be thankful
to a dearly beloved father whose birthday was yesterday.
He would have been 96 years old.

So Daddy let me once again ...

…thank you for creating me with love
…thank you for keeping your cool through my terrible twos, and my thoroughly exhausting threes, and my fearsome fours, and…
…thank you for spending one summer constructing a two room playhouse for me and my siblings
…thank you for always laughing at my jokes, no matter how bad they were
…thank you for appreciating my taste in “noise” and for introducing me to your generation's "music"
…thank you for sending me to an expensive and very good school thousands of miles away from home and also for scrimping on the household budget for many, many years to pay for my college tuition
…thank you for taking me thousands of miles just to see the Circus and
Holiday on Ice
…thank you for urging me to be a leader and not a follower
…thank you for pretending you liked the ties and cuff links I got you as gifts
…thank you for having the people at the office save their letters from foreign lands so that I could add the stamps to my collection
…thank you for letting my activities take precedence over your other plans
…thank you for encouraging me to read about the world news in the daily paper and other books
…thank you for preparing our breakfast every morning
…thank you for defining altruism, integrity, perseverance, and loyalty by your example
…thank you for living by the Ten Commandments
…thank you for our “family values”
…thank you for passing on to me our family’s greatest and most valuable asset-our reputation
…thank you for a great childhood
…thank you for being mine

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Links to other Thankful Thursdays
(If you participate, leave your link in the comments and I'll post it below; or, you can post in the comments)

Click here for the Thankful Thursday code

Click here for Chrixean's blog

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6:39 AM | Permalink |


  • At 7/06/2006 9:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    How sweet that he went so far to take you to the circus and so much more!

  • At 7/06/2006 6:17 PM, Blogger The Mistress of the Dark

    A wonderful way of remembering and sharing the love you had for your dad.


  • At 7/06/2006 8:49 PM, Blogger Lazy Daisy

    Wow, I thought your first tribute was wonderful. Now I really miss that I missed him. Wishing you only beautiful memories.

  • At 7/06/2006 9:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Another wonderful tribute to your father. Thank you so much for sharing the love you have for your earthly father. I am sure you are looking forward meeting up with him in heaven, just like I do :)...

  • At 7/06/2006 9:37 PM, Blogger OldLady Of The Hills

    I like that you detailed each thing you are thankful for...Your father sounds like he was a truly wonderful man and a great great father!

  • At 7/06/2006 11:08 PM, Blogger Trinity13

    What a wonderful list...very touching!

  • At 7/06/2006 11:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    I love the heartfelt tributes to your daddy. {{hugs}} Dani

  • At 7/07/2006 1:45 AM, Blogger Chrixean

    A very unique and heartfelt Thankful Thursday post! A lovely way to remember your daddy :-)