I am truly blessed to see God in the ordinary. Living in the city for almost 41 years has made me miss the small wonders of nature that are everywhere. The pace of life speeds along so fast that the time for noticing nature’s beauty slips away.
My recent trip to the province which took 10 hours by land gave me this chance to pause and pay attention to what a blessing the simple life provides. As our bus went through mountains, valleys, hills, plateaus and rivers, I was awakened to the presence of God himself. The awareness moved me gently and naturally towards the simpler life I desired.
As I toured the different beautiful sites of Tuguegarao, I was able to feel the delicate symmetry of a leaf, the rough shaggy bark of an old old tree and the velvety texture of flowers that do not grow in my area. It allowed me to smell too the fragrance of peonies and the clean scent of grass.
Thank you again God. The experience has indeed nourished my soul and has made nearer to You. I will try to do this more often.